EALD students are those whose first language is a language or dialect other than English and who require additional support to develop proficiency in Standard Australian English (SAE).

EALD at Modbury School P-6

These students may include:

  • First Nations Australian learners
  • immigrants to Australia and temporary visa holders from countries where English is not the first language
  • students of refugee backgrounds
  • children born in Australia of migrant heritage where English is not spoken at home
  • English-speaking students returning to Australia after extended periods in non-English speaking settings
  • international students from countries where English is not the first language.

At Modbury School P-6 we have an EALD teacher who assists students in piecing together the elements of school life, English language, and Australian culture through various activities such as games, writing, reading, and oral conversations. Our EALD teacher works closely with student groups as well as within whole class settings; they collaborate and plan alongside class teachers to provide support for students who are bilingual and/or identify with more than one culture. Their focus is on helping students develop English language proficiency to enhance their literacy skills for success in school.